Lots of Love from Payir

This Valentines’ day, children like Ishwarya, Arjun , Kamatchi, Shanmugam, Sivagami and many others from the Residential School (RSTC) are returning the love you have showered on them through wonderful drawings and thank you notes ! 

Thank you note from future Hotel manager – Kamatchi

Thank you note from future Teacher – Sivagami

These children dream to become Engineer, Teacher,  Archaeologist in the future. You can be the one to help them meet their goals by supporting their education, healthcare and nutrition needs. You can Donate here to support them. 

Thank you note from future Engineer – Arjun

Supporting one child takes only $2/day (Rs.140/day).
So please continue to shower your love on our children and make a difference in their lives through your generous donations. Donation links are provided below. Please spread word about Payir to your friends and family like love is spread in this Valentines’ day ! You can Donate here to support them. 

“Love for Nature” by Saranya
“Love for colors” by Shanmugam
“Loving home” by Nesamani
“Loving village” by Ishwarya
“Colors of daily life” by Prashanth
” Simple home” by Sivagami